1º.- Legal Framework

In compliance with current legislation, the entity CPU GLOBAL SALES S.L.U. which operates through the internet from the present website details below the general contracting conditions of the products and/or services offered through the same and from which the rights and obligations of the parties are generated.


The purpose of these General Contracting Conditions (hereinafter "Conditions") is to regulate the relationship between CPU GLOBAL SALES S.L.U. (hereinafter the"Provider") and the clients (hereinafter the"User"), relating to all transactions carried out through the on-line store website.

2º.1.- Offering Company



CIF: B93491173





PHONE: 952373951


And from another party:

2º.2.- The User

It will be understood by user or client, the Internet user who acquires this condition, by registering on the website, using a form and which is assigned a user name and password, which has full responsibility for use and custody, being responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided to the provider, as we shall see in the section on Registration of users.

3º.- Acceptance

By accepting the present Conditions, the User declares:

1. That he/she is a person with the capacity to contract according to the current regulations.

2. That he/she has read and accepts the present Conditions.

4º.- Availability

The User will have access always and in any case, prior to the beginning of the procedure of contracting products, to the conditions, being able to be stored and/or reproduced in a durable support.

5º.- Validity or Duration

The period of validity or duration of these Conditions and special conditions of contracting, will be the time that they remain published on the website mentioned and will apply from the time the user makes use of the website, and / or proceed to the recruitment of any products.

6º.- Modifications

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Conditions, without affecting the goods or promotions that were purchased prior to the modification by the User.

The User undertakes to read carefully the contracting conditions, each time he/she proceeds to the contracting of any product since they may have been subject to modification since the last time he/she accessed.

7º.- Nullity

If any clause included in these Conditions were declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity will affect only that provision or the part of the same that is null or ineffective, subsisting in all the rest of the Conditions.

8º.- Object of the contract

The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of purchase and sale born between the provider and the user at the moment in which the user accepts the purchase during the online contracting process by means of the mechanisms set out below.

The contractual relationship of purchase and sale involves the delivery, in exchange for a certain price and publicly displayed through the website, of one or more specific products.

Each of these products may be subject to specific regulation through the particular conditions of contracting each of them, of which more detail will be given in the section on warranty, returns, withdrawal, or in the product data sheet itself, due to the different formats in which the products are marketed, their packaging or their own nature.

9º.- User Registration

The User may register on the website, on the button access to"My Account" and then create an account. In it, enter your email and then click on the button "Create an account". Then fill in your personal data, such as: first name, last name, password and date of birth. Here, you will be able to read and accept the sales policy. After clicking on Register, you will receive a welcome email.

The user will select a user name and password, committing to make diligent use of them, and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to communicate to the provider the loss or theft of them or possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the provider proceeds to the immediate blocking. The user has full responsibility for their use and custody, being responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided to the provider.

The user may not choose as user name words that are intended to confuse others by identifying him/her as a member of the provider, as well as offensive, abusive and generally contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and decency.

10º.- Geographic scope

This website CPU GLOBAL SALES S.L.U. operates and sells only in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Portugal, France and Italy. Hereinafter, this geographical area will be understood as "the Territory". Therefore, we only ship and distribute products in the Territory. The use of this website as well as any purchase made on it is considered to be made in Spain, and therefore subject to the Spanish laws and regulations in force. The Provider does not accept or deliver orders outside the aforementioned Territory. The foregoing is without prejudice to the fact that we may soon be able to offer these services in the excluded areas, in which case it will be announced in advance on this website.

11º.- Product Information

The Provider pays great attention to the information regarding the characteristics of the products by means of technical descriptions from its collaborating companies and manufacturers, and photographs illustrating the products. All this is done within the technical limits and respecting the market standards.

This description sheet will include a contact form in case you wish to obtain more detailed information. Or, for greater ease, you will be able to have a link to expand the information as far as possible.

12º.- Taxes, currency and shipping costs

The prices indicated for each product include Value Added Tax (VAT) and in any case will be expressed in Euro currency (€). These prices, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include shipping costs or any other additional services and annexes to the product purchased.

13º.- Language in which the contract is carried out

The contracting procedure and pre-contractual information is in Spanish, and this language will be the one used to carry out the contracting.

14-Steps in the Contracting/Purchasing Process

14º.1.- Registration

In order to start the process of contracting products at, it is first necessary to create an account, by clicking on the button that appears on the main page of the website called "my account" and filling in the mandatory data requested on the page that appears.

will appear below. After registration, the user name and password will be assigned automatically, according to those previously chosen by the interested party.

After clicking on Register, you will receive a welcome e-mail. Once successfully registered, the user will be able to enter with his username and password to the control panel of his profile to be able to manage all those functions that the provider of the page has made available, such as the section of account data and personal information, history and detail of my orders, returns of goods, invoices by credit and the possibility of accepting the sales policy,

Once registration is complete, you may proceed to purchase your product(s).

14º.2.- Purchase process

The purchase process is easy and simple.

- Summary of the products added to the shopping cart

- Ordering method as a guest or under registration

- Shipping information

- Shipping method

- Payment Information

- Order review and payment


Provisions to be taken into account in the purchase process.

15º.- Availability of the product

The purchase of the products is under order, we have our own stock management application. In case of delay of the shipment, prior notice will be given by telephone or e-mail.

16º.- Types of products

The web page has a wide diversity of the best brands and at very competitive prices of everything related to electronics, distributed in categories for easy search.

17º.- Maximum order amount There is no maximum order amount.

18º.- How to extend or cancel my order

To extend an order you can do so as long as you have not completed the purchase, and you can do so by clicking the "Continue shopping" button.

To cancel an order after making a purchase, it may be canceled with the right to a full refund provided that the following conditions are met:

The order has not left our warehouse nor is it in transit to the indicated address.

For orders that have already left the CPU GLOBAL SALES S.L.U. facilities, the shipping company will be notified . The courier company will be notified and in this case, the amount returned to the customer would be full except for shipping costs.

To request the cancellation of your order you must send an email to the address

You can also cancel the order from the user's profile at .COM. To

the user must locate the order in their purchase history, provided that the order has been cancelled.

the above conditions are met, the money will be refunded.

in the same credit/debit card with which you have made the purchase, within the period of

24-48 working days.

19º.- Shipping costs, shipping costs and delivery time

The shipping costs will be made by the transport company of the supplier.

The shipping methods are home delivery and to the address of the Provider's store.

The order will be shipped to the address you indicated at the time you made your purchase. Provider does not guarantee delivery to postal boxes.

20º.- Delivery time

The shipments have a delivery time of 24/48 hours depending on the type of shipment that

selected (from Monday to Friday) from the moment in which the payment of the order is made.


For all other shipments to Europe, please contact us subject to the carrier.

The order is shipped the same day the payment is made, if the order is paid before

17:00 hours.

When you receive your package, please check that everything is in accordance with your order and that the packaging is in order.

the package is in perfect condition, then sign for it with reservations and indicate by hand on the

delivery note of the carrier if you found any anomaly when you received it. When you open your

package, if you find that the items delivered do not conform to your order or are not in perfect condition, then sign for them.

damaged, please contact our Customer Service Department, see your Customer Service number.


The products shipped by the suppliers do not facilitate the installation process and are not

operation of the products.

21º.- Invoice

Where can I consult my invoice? The invoice can be viewed and downloaded from the user's control panel. To download it, the user must go to "My Account", "Purchase History".

The invoice will always be delivered printed with the order.

22º.- Value added tax

In accordance with current regulations, all purchases made through the website will be subject to Value Added Tax (VAT).

23º.- Methods or Modalities of payment

In general, the User may choose the method of payment:

A) By credit/debit card, for which it shall provide, among others:

(i) name and surname;

(ii) card number;

(iii) CVV/CVC;

(iv) card expiration date;

Once you have validated all the information about your purchase (items, shipping methods, delivery and billing address) you will be prompted to choose the payment method you wish to use and enter your details.

In the event that the payment platform informs you that your card has been declined, the order will be automatically cancelled, informing the customer of the cancellation online and at the time, as mentioned above. Payments cannot be made with cards issued outside the Spanish territory.

Your card details will not be stored in our database, as they will be filled in the secure web of the chosen bank.

Your card details are protected at all times thanks to the secure servers of the banks that use SSL encryption in their communications.

B) By bank transfer

You must make the transfer to the account that will be indicated to you in due course. IMPORTANT: as concept of the transfer you must indicate only the number of the order that will be indicated to you.

C) By Paypal

You can make the payment of your purchase through Paypal. By choosing PayPal as payment method, the billing address indicated above will be ignored, and the address registered in your Paypal account will be taken into account for billing purposes (Handling fee: 2.9% + 0.35€).

D) Cash on delivery

You can make the payment of your purchase cash on delivery with an extra payment of 2%.

Once the payment is completed, we get a payment confirmation screen and we receive a confirmation email. In case the payment is not successful, we will inform you by mail.

E) Bizum

F) Payment in installments with interest. CASH ON DELIVERY IS ACCEPTED WITH A SURCHARGE.

Your card details will not be saved in our database, because when you pay by credit card, your card details will not be stored in our database.

will be filled in the secure web of the chosen bank.

24º.- General Provisions on the Payment Process

- The order of payment given by the User necessarily implies the adhesion to these General Conditions as well as the particular conditions of the order.

- For any payment method chosen by the User, all payments will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the User by the intervening financial institutions or secure payment platforms (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Iupay, etc.).

- Upon successful payment, the User will receive two informative and confirmation emails confirming the essential conditions of the transaction:

o Services contracted, and description of the provision of the same.

o Products delivered to the address indicated by the User:

The confirmation email will contain the invoice of the product with which the User may, upon receipt of the order, request the warranty from the relevant merchant.

In any case, through the website, the User will always have access to the information of his orders and the corresponding invoices for the purchases made.

The Provider reserves the right to cancel payments or orders in the event that there are indications of fraudulent transactions by bringing to the attention of the competent authorities any conduct that may be subject to investigation for the prevention of fraud.

25th - Returns of defective, damaged or incorrect products or exercising the right of withdrawal.

The User has recognized the right of withdrawal of the purchase made through

the Website, and therefore, if not satisfied, you may return the Product within a period

(30) calendar days after having acquired possession of the Product.


To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify CPU GLOBAL SALES SLU .

S.L., at the address, C/Manuel Franco Cubeiro, 15, at

telephone 951592600, email the decision to withdraw from the contract through

an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or by e-mail).

letter sent by post or e-mail). If you wish, you may use the model withdrawal form provided below.

as an Annex to these Conditions.

The refund shall include the amount of the purchase and, if any, the costs of

delivery costs, if any. The refund will be made in the same means of payment with which the Product was purchased.

purchased, discounting the return costs that will be borne by the customer.

The Customer must return the products subject to withdrawal without any delay.

undue delay and in any case not later than within 30 calendar days from the date of purchase.

of the date on which its decision to withdraw is communicated.

The refund of the amount corresponding to the withdrawal will be made within a period of 14 days from the date on which you communicate your decision to withdraw.

calendar days from the date on which it has been effectively and unequivocally communicated the decision of withdrawal.

decision to withdraw from the contract has been effectively and unequivocally communicated and provided that

goods or products subject to withdrawal have been received, otherwise, the payment may be withheld.

disbursement may otherwise be withheld until receipt of the goods or until the Customer proves the

return of the goods.

The right of withdrawal is excluded:

a. The provision of services, once the service has been fully executed.

b. The supply of goods or services made up in accordance with the

b. The supply of goods or services made to the Client's specifications or clearly personalized.

c. The supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to reasons

of health protection or hygiene and which have been unsealed after delivery.

d. The supply of digital content (which is not provided on a tangible medium) where the

d. The supply of digital content (which is not provided on a material medium) when performance has already begun. The Client expressly acknowledges that after the commencement of the

digital download will lose the right of withdrawal.

e. Any other goods or services covered by art. 103 of RDL 1/2007, of 16 December 2007, shall be excluded from the right to cancel.


The Client shall be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from a

handling of the goods other than what is necessary to establish their nature, their

characteristics or their functioning. In any case, for the purposes of making use of the right

of withdrawal, it is necessary that the Products are returned in their packaging.

original packaging together with the invoice, in the event that they are returned without such packaging.

original packaging or with damage, the amount to be paid to the Customer for the return of the Product shall be the same as the amount to be paid for the return of the Product.

the amount to be paid to the Customer for the return of the Product will be reduced by the corresponding amount. Before returning the Product,

the Customer must make sure that the Product is properly returned.

protected and sealed so that it does not suffer any damage during transport.

In the case of products that require to be opened and used in order to be shipped, the Customer must make sure that the product is properly protected and sealed so that it does not suffer any damage during transport.

to know if they are working properly, Provider shall require, in order to accept their return that

the product being returned must be in perfect condition and, likewise, the Provider must have

all its elements, packaging and wrappings.

In addition, it must be ensured that:

(a) It has not been used improperly or negligently, has not been handled in

or negligent manner and has not been subjected to abnormal or unsound conditions.

harmful conditions.

b) Has not been involved in any accident or been damaged while attempting to repair it.

or modification.

c) It has not been used in a manner contrary to the manufacturer's specifications in the

instructions for the Product.

d) It has not deteriorated due to natural wear and tear after receipt.

In the event that the Product does not meet any of the above requirements, we may

decide, at our discretion, not to repair or replace the product and not to refund the amount paid for it.

and/or we may ask you to reimburse the full costs of transport and shipping.

costs incurred at the current standard rates. In the link below

below, you can consult the price of each shipment of the detailed transport, which is

accepted in Terms and Conditions at the time of purchase of the product.

In the event of a defective product, Provider will proceed, as appropriate, to the

repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, which shall be carried out by the Provider.

free of charge for the consumer and user.

In the event that the product or its packaging has suffered any damage or is not in perfect condition, we will not be liable for any damages.

original shipping conditions, the value of the item will be depreciated by a percentage of


This provision does not affect the rights recognized to the consumer by law.

in force.

In cases where you consider that at the time of delivery the product does not meet the requirements of the law.

the Contract is a product damaged during shipment, or it is a product that is not in conformity with the Contract.

incorrect, you should contact us immediately by means of the following e-mail address

our contact form, providing the details of the product as well as the damage.

or by calling us at 952373951 during our opening hours.

or by calling us at our customer service hours or at the Customer Service section.

Once the return request has been examined and the appropriate verifications have been made,

after confirmation via e-mail, we will proceed to pick up the product at the place of delivery.

place of delivery.

We will proceed to carefully examine the returned product and we will inform you by email

within a reasonable period of time if it is necessary to return or replace the product (if applicable).

if applicable). The return or replacement of the item will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, will be made in a timely manner.

in any case within 14 calendar days from the date on which we send you an e-mail.

confirming the return or replacement of the non-conforming item.

The amounts paid for those products that are returned because of a defect.

or proven defect, will be refunded in full, including delivery costs.

incurred to deliver the item to you. The refund will be made by the same means of delivery.

payment method used to pay for the purchase.

The rights recognized by the legislation in force remain unaffected.

The exchange of an article for a different one will not be admitted, in this case, it will have to proceed

to its return and to the realization of a new purchase.

The return of a product purchased on the web, may be made by the following way:

1. By means of a request for collection at your home, which you can do through the

sending an email requesting the return with your contact details and order number.

or by contacting our customer service department using the following details

provided in Section 26.

In case you have received an erroneous order, please call us at Customer Service at

952373951 or Whatsapp: 637550284 or send us an email at We will be happy to help you to correct the error.

26º.- Exceptions to the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply to the delivery of:

Products that may see their nature altered. You can download the document HERE

27º.- Customer Service: Help, Suggestions and Complaints

At any time, you can contact our Customer Service Department at the following address

Customer Service for help, suggestions or complaints by writing to, or by calling 952373951 - Whatsapp: 637550284 from Monday to Friday.

Friday from 9.00 to 14.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00.

28º.- Product warranty

All the new articles offered in our web page have the official guarantee of the

manufacturer in the legally established terms, for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase.

from the date of delivery. We offer 1 year warranty for reconditioned products.

These warranty periods may be effective from the date of delivery of the product, although the warranty period may be extended for a period of 3 years from the date of delivery of the product.

However, the warranty does not include deficiencies caused by negligence, blows, use of the product, etc.

improper use or tampering, incorrect installation not carried out by the manufacturer, etc., are not included.

authorized technical services when applicable, materials that are worn out by the use of the product.

use, etc.

The provider reserves the right to request an official technical service of the brand, an

verification of the origin of the problem. In the event of a defect caused by the cause of the problem, the

the repair will be chargeable. In those cases that justify the

the application of the warranty, we will opt for the repair, replacement of the article, reduction or

refund, in the legally established terms.

In order to make the warranty effective, please contact the Customer Service Department,

by phone or email, where you will be informed of the process to follow.

29º.- Provider's rights

To maintain, modify or suspend its website without prior notice.

To modify the price of the offers.

Refuse orders due to lack of stock or non-payment by the customer.

Refuse access to IT tools to customers in case of non-compliance.

of these conditions.

Receive the amount of the customer's purchases, once the transaction has been accepted.

To reserve title and retain full ownership of the item until full payment is received.

by the customer.

Not to reproduce, alienate or dispose of the information published by Provider in

all its contents without the express permission of the company itself.

Proceed to correct or amend human or computer errors.

30º.- Limitation of liability

All the information provided by the User to the Provider and through the forms

must be truthful. It is the User's responsibility to keep the data

provided to Provider, duly updated. In any case, Provider shall

Provider disclaims any liability for damages caused as a result of the User's

consequence of having provided false, insufficient, inaccurate or incorrect information.

Access to the Web Site does not imply any obligation on the part of the Provider to verify the

authenticity, suitability, completeness, accuracy, adequacy and updating of the information provided.

information provided by the User through the corresponding forms.

The Provider shall not be liable in those cases in which it is incumbent on the

parents, guardians or legal representatives of Users who are minors or minors.

incapacitated, to authorize access to, provision of personal information or use of the

website or the contracting of any products or services provided through the website.

applications or web platform. It will be the responsibility of the aforementioned parents,

guardians or legal representatives shall be responsible for supervising the access and use of the minor or incapacitated person to the website.

contracting of products and services provided through .COM

The access of the Users to the Contents does not imply any obligation on the part of the

Provider to control the absence of viruses or computer elements that could have

harmful effect on the User's computer equipment. In any case, it shall be up to the

User shall be responsible for having the necessary tools to detect such viruses or elements.

harmful computer elements. Consequently, the provider will not be responsible for the

possible damage caused to the computer equipment of Users or third parties.

during the access to the Contents.

The Provider shall not be liable for any interruptions that may occur in the services.

or telecommunications services that prevent users from using the services.


31º.- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These conditions shall be governed by or interpreted in accordance with Spanish law in that which is

that is not expressly established. The provider and the user, agree to submit to

any controversy that may arise from the provision of products or services

object of these conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals of the user's domicile.

In the event that the user is domiciled outside Spain, the provider and the user,

expressly waive any other forum, submitting themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of the user's domicile.

of the domicile of THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE.

32º.- Platform for resolving disputes online for consumers and


The European Commission has launched a platform to help consumers and traders to resolve disputes online.

consumers and traders to resolve disputes relating to purchases made on the Internet.


Address to the platform:

Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.