100% secure payment
Secure payment and warranty of up to 3 years (for refurbished products it is 1 year). All personal or banking data transmission operations are carried out using a secure environment, a server based on standard SSL security technology.

Receive it in 24 hours
If you place your order before 17:45 hours. After this time you will receive it within 48 hours. If you place your order on Friday after 17:45 and on weekends, you will receive your order on Tuesday of the following week *Except Canary Islands.

Finally you dont want it? No problem. You have up to 30 days from receipt of your order to return it, as long as it is in perfect condition (except for printers with unsealed ink cartridges).
The box has been damaged or one of the plastic bags inside is missing. +info
Built-in camera that allows you to take pictures with your Tamagotchi character.
Take care of your Tamagotchi character in a new way: painting, cooking and exploring with his camera.
Touch buttons allow you to interact with your Tamagotchi in a much more complete and attractive way.
Explore the real world to meet over 100 friends Tamagotchi.
Choose from 6 languages to play: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese.