100% secure payment
Secure payment and warranty of up to 3 years (for refurbished products it is 1 year). All personal or banking data transmission operations are carried out using a secure environment, a server based on standard SSL security technology.

Receive it in 24 hours
If you place your order before 17:45 hours. After this time you will receive it within 48 hours. If you place your order on Friday after 17:45 and on weekends, you will receive your order on Tuesday of the following week *Except Canary Islands.

Finally you dont want it? No problem. You have up to 30 days from receipt of your order to return it, as long as it is in perfect condition (except for printers with unsealed ink cartridges).
With the motion sensor you will detect any changes in the vicinity of this component. It covers a range of up to 5 meters away.
All living things exude heat and that heat is emitted in the form of infrared radiation, which can be detected with suitable devices, such as PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors. They are called passive because they do not emit radiation, but receive them. They capture the presence of a human or animal by detecting the difference between the heat emitted by the body and the space around it.